Encouragement, General Post, Patience, Trust In God

Happy Valentine’s Day

I know I am a day early, but I felt the urge to come and encourage you. If you're anything like me you don't have a significant other that will be coming over tomorrow to treat you to a nice evening. Instead, you'll be forced to watch someone else's children while they enjoy the evening… Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day

Patience, Trust In God

“The Journey…”

When we come  into faith, a believer, we start to learn the ways of God. We begin to notice that God's ways are nothing like that of this world we live in. We may even begin to question the very morals and values we developed along the way.  Then on that journey, we find God!… Continue reading “The Journey…”

Patience, Strength & Motivation

Hebrews 10:36 - "Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive all that He has promised" The last two post focused on abiding in God's "G.R.A.C.E" and "PUSH"ing through uncomfortable circumstances. These two topics are at the surface of my current battle! God… Continue reading

Patience, Strength & Motivation

“Mommy On Purpose”

"What if your soul purpose was to raise your child(ren), to the best of your ability, so someday they can fulfill their purpose for our King?" I typed this question into my phone in pure frustration last week. I was telling God all that "I" wanted to do, how "I" wanted to do it, and… Continue reading “Mommy On Purpose”