Parenting, Trust In God


Psalm 27:10 - "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close." My daughter has been going in my woman cave, also known as my prayer closet, lately writing her own prayers! She posted one the other day that practically floored me: "FATHER God, Thank you for this day You… Continue reading FATHER God…

Encouragement, General Post, Patience, Trust In God

Happy Valentine’s Day

I know I am a day early, but I felt the urge to come and encourage you. If you're anything like me you don't have a significant other that will be coming over tomorrow to treat you to a nice evening. Instead, you'll be forced to watch someone else's children while they enjoy the evening… Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day

Encouragement, General Post, Strength & Motivation, Trust In God


Psalm 139:13-16 "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed… Continue reading #LoveThySelfie

Patience, Trust In God

“The Journey…”

When we come  into faith, a believer, we start to learn the ways of God. We begin to notice that God's ways are nothing like that of this world we live in. We may even begin to question the very morals and values we developed along the way.  Then on that journey, we find God!… Continue reading “The Journey…”

General Post, Trust In God

“Still in the Cocoon…”

It's been exactly 14 months since my last post. God has been stretching my perspective, or more like attempting to stretch it. I've been wrestling with dying to my flesh and truly letting God have His way. As a Christian, single-mother, teacher-coach maintaining this lifestyle is a struggle. It's one thing to let go of… Continue reading “Still in the Cocoon…”

Trust In God

“He is Who He says He is”

Psalm 145:13B - "...The Lord always keeps His promises; He is gracious in all He does." Our pockets are stretched T H I N as single mothers. We have to take care of our kid(s), ourselves, and the responsibilities of taking care of a home. Often times, it seems as if the odds are stacked… Continue reading “He is Who He says He is”

Dating, Parenting, Trust In God

“Ecclesiastes 3:1”

"Don't fight your one-on-one time with God. It's time well spent. Find the beauty in it..." - ❤ Preparing to write this post I struggled with a title for it. I had a few titles laid out: "Don't Rush It", "Embrace Motherhood", etc. I just didn't know which one to pick! So, I chose God's… Continue reading “Ecclesiastes 3:1”