Parenting, Trust In God


Psalm 27:10 - "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close." My daughter has been going in my woman cave, also known as my prayer closet, lately writing her own prayers! She posted one the other day that practically floored me: "FATHER God, Thank you for this day You… Continue reading FATHER God…

Strength & Motivation


A couple of months ago I wrote about embracing our one-on-one time with God. I explained how it is time well spent regardless of how we may view it. He is using this encounter to transform us into who He has called us to be. As single mothers we fight everyday to become who God has… Continue reading “Breathe…”

Parenting, Strength & Motivation

“Share Your Faith”

Proverbs 22:6 - "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  KJV In Genesis 21 verses 20 and 21 they talk about Ishmael growing up in the wilderness, where God was with him, but he eventually settled there. Then he married a woman from the great… Continue reading “Share Your Faith”

Trust In God, Uncategorized


"Where a problem presents itself, God has already provided a solution" - Pastor Henry Tolbert In my Christian walk, I like to believe that my faith has played a vital part in my daughter and I making it these past three years. Honestly, as Christian, single mothers, I think it is well needed in helping us raise… Continue reading “Believe…”